New Community of Practice: Educational Technology

UFIT’s Center for Instructional Technology and Training (CITT) is organizing a Community of Practice focused on educational technology. Open to all instructional faculty, IT professionals, and staff, this community will be a combination of discussions in Microsoft Teams and synchronous meetings that showcase emerging technologies available for use at UF. The first meeting will showcase 360° technologies and its application in the classroom.

Meeting Date: Thursday, Dec. 9
Time: 11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Location: Via Zoom

More information about this meeting and subsequent meetings will be shared in the
Microsoft Teams Community of Practice (CoP) team site. Joining this CoP will provide participants with a network to share ideas, ask questions, and demonstrate technologies that can be used in a physical or online classroom. This Community of Practice will extend the collaboration already taking place within UFIT’s Office of Academic Technology to the broader campus community.

The CoP on educational technology will be led by members of the CITT and facilitated by rotating guest speakers from across campus. For more information, contact Educational Technologist Chris Sharp or Instructional Designer Leslie Mojeiko.

Creating Opportunities in Our Community

In summer 2021, UFIT reached out to Santa Fe College to initiate a partnership for students from populations underrepresented in technology fields. This new internship program provides hands-on work experience and mentoring by UFIT staff. Eight interns began their work experience this fall, and three–Joseph, Lauren, and Jerrell–chose to intern with UF’s Information Security Office. Here’s a brief look at our information security interns:

Joseph who has already earned his A.S. in Network Security, has learned a lot thus far, including how the risk assessment process works and the security aspects of firewalls.
“I learned how to categorize risk assessments. Risk assessments help with security because you are looking from the outside in and it gives you better insight when analyzing how data flows through the network.”

Programming major Lauren wants to become a QA engineer. She likes testing and making sure apps are secure and accessible to everyone, especially those with special needs. “I am very grateful for this internship and appreciate how patient everyone is as I learn new tools like T4. I want to try to help everyone because I know technology can be difficult for some.”

Information Systems Security major Jerrell plans on earning a master’s in cybersecurity information assurance and then work in penetration testing. He has gained much from this internship: “I’ve learned a lot about HIPAA and FERPA compliance, and enjoy sitting in with the monitoring team, which is an area I’m interested in professionally. ISO staff have given me career advice, and I appreciate them pushing and guiding me into my purpose.”

Formatting Help for Theses, Dissertations

The UF Computing Help Desk provides support for graduate students when they are ready to format their thesis or dissertation. The electronic thesis and dissertation (ETD) staff at the Help Desk offer one-to-one consultations and adhere to all Graduate Editorial Office guidelines. The Help Desk also provides and maintains templates for the production of their document in both MS Word and LaTeX formats.

Taking advantage of UFIT’s expertise with electronic thesis or dissertation formatting is free. Technical consultations take place in the Hub, room 132. Appointments are preferred (call 352-392-HELP/4357) but walk-ins are also welcome if staff are available and physical distancing can be achieved. Business hours for the ETD service are the same as the Help Desk’s.

Let UFIT relieve some of the stress that comes with preparing a thesis or dissertation. Schedule a staff consult or review online tutorials by visiting the Electronic Support Page.

Prioritizing Usability in Teaching

UFIT’s Teaching TechXploration is back for its third year. This year’s event features presentations and hands-on workshops to help instructors find technology solutions to teaching challenges. In support of
Word Usability Day on November 11, the theme is usability and accessibility for all students.

Wednesday, November 10, 2021
2:00 ꟷ 5:00 p.m.
Virtual Event via Microsoft Teams
Registration Link

All instructors, TAs, graduate assistants, and instructional designers are invited to attend. After registering, participants will be added to the event’s Teams page where they can select which presentations or workshops to attend. Topics include designing usable Canvas courses, navigating classroom equipment with confidence, setting up learning analytics, improving student engagement with classroom response systems, and creating interactive course videos. Anyone with questions about TechXploration is welcome to contact UFIT Associate Director Ryan Yang.

Earn AI Micro-Credential Through UF

Enabling the workforce of tomorrow with artificial intelligence skills is one of the tenets of the University of Florida’s AI Initiative. To support organizations successfully managing the AI transformation in the workplace, UF is now offering the opportunity to earn a micro-credential in AI.

Offered through the Office of Professional and Workforce Development (OPWD), all courses in the program are online. Earning the AI micro-credential provides alumni, community members, and faculty and staff a way to develop their foundation in machine learning and its impacts across a range of careers and disciplines. Designed for working professionals, the program is an affordable way to learn the lexicon of artificial intelligence, its current uses, and understand the near-limitless possibilities of the AI-supported environment–all within UF standards of course delivery and content.

The micro-credential is earned after completing two required courses and a self-selected focus area course. The two required courses (each a 15-hour commitment) teach key concepts and foundations of artificial intelligence. Upon completion of the required courses, participants select a focus area to earn their AI micro-credential and badge, which can be displayed on LinkedIn or other online portfolio.

Anyone wanting more information on the AI micro-credential is welcome to contact the OPWD’s Director, Andrew Campbell.

Funding Available to Enhance UF Academic Life

Did you know that several 3D printing and campus VR/AR tools are the result of successful Tech Fee proposals? UFApps and free access to LinkedIn Learning also began their UF life as Tech Fee proposals. If you have a great technology-related idea for enhancing UF’s academic environment, then consider submitting a concept paper for a Tech Fee grant. All students, faculty, and staff are eligible–and encouraged–to submit ideas fitting the submission guidelines.

Concept papers for the 2022 funding cycle must be submitted by January 28, 2022.

A concept paper is a simple, two-page proposal that you complete via the template available on the Tech Fee website. After the Technology Fee Advisory Committee reviews the approved concept papers, finalists will be invited to submit a full proposal for possible funding. Program information, guidelines, templates, and previously funded projects may all be found on the Tech Fee website.

Please contact Anne Allen, support administrator for the Technology Fee Advisory Committee, with any questions about the submission process. Good luck!

Use Campus Wait Times to Learn About IT

Here’s a great way to use the time spent waiting for a Chick-fil-A or Starbucks order: there are more than 100 videos available on UFIT’s YouTube channel. All videos are captioned so you can watch without needing your earbuds–we don’t want you to miss your name or number being called while waiting for your order! UFIT has videos on a variety of topics, from getting the most when using Canvas and learning about the IT services available, to protecting important files like papers and photos. Here’s a sample of the 100+ videos you can watch while on that RTS bus or in line for campus food:

Online Scams, Phishing

1. Scams Targeting UF’s International Community
2. Calling a Foul on Phishing
3. Become More Cyber Aware, Gators!

IT Services at UF

1. UFApps
2. Make the Most of Your UF-Provided LinkedIn Learning Account
3. Learn What’s Available in UFIT Labs & Learning Spaces

Reach out to UFIT Communications if there is a campus tech topic you’d like to learn more about. We’ll locate resources for you, or maybe film a video based on your suggestion!

Follow UFIT on Social Media

Get the latest news about training opportunities, along with campus IT service updates, by following UF Information Technology (UFIT) on social media.

UFIT is the division that provides campus-wide (i.e., enterprise IT) systems and services, such as Canvas e-Learning, UFIRST, and HiPerGator, the University of Florida supercomputer. When new features or services are added to a campus-wide IT option, UFIT promotes them via its Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook accounts. UFIT staff also publish videos on YouTube about important tech issues impacting Gator Nation. Photos and flyers, such as how-to instructions for getting email on your phone or student job postings that UFIT shares on social media, are always accessible and all videos on the GoGatorsUFIT YouTube channel are fully captioned.

So Gators, learn about supercomputing training classes before they fill up, stay current on campus IT happenings, or send us question: UFIT is here for you on social media!

Ten IT Services for Undergrads

There’s a lot to learn during your first semester, from where classes are to managing e-Learning assignments. Technology enables living and learning at UF, and UFIT is here to support your academic journey. While you’ll discover more over the next few years, here are 10 IT services to discover now to help maximize your UF experience.

Anyone with questions about these services may contact the UF Computing Help Desk (352-392-HELP/4357,, and HUB first floor).

1. UF Computing Help Desk: Speaking of getting help from the Help Desk, the staff have you covered for all things technical at UF. There are self-help resources on their website and have 24/7 assistance for things like password resets.
2. Canvas: UF’s e-Learning platform where you access quizzes, assignments, and more.
3. ONE.UF: The campus portal to register for classes, viewing and ordering transcripts, and resources like phishing training.
4. GatorMail: UF’s official email service for contacting instructors, administrative staff, and fellow students.
5. Eduroam: A secure wireless network for on- and off-campus connectivity. Protect yourself and UF, Gators! Stay on secure wireless.
6. Discounted Software: Learn what software packages Gators can purchase at a discount.
7. UFApps: A collection of more than 190 applications available 24/7 FREE for students.
8. GatorCloud: UF’s cloud-based collaboration with high volume storage options.
9. LinkedIn Learning: UFIT underwrites the cost of membership for Gators to access 15,000+ courses for FREE.
10. Mobile Printing: Learn how to print on the go from over 50 campus locations.

Free Self-Paced Statistical Software Training

Two FREE, fully online trainings on statistics software will be offered during the fall term. Faculty, staff, postdocs, TAs, and graduate students can learn how to perform statistical analyses on research data while earning a certificate in SPSS and SamplePower 3 or the R programming language. In these self-paced trainings, participants will use the software through practical application and hands-on exercises. The training series introduces data analysis and visualization features that can help further research. Pre-registration is required. Use the links below to view the course flyer and to register:

SPSS and SamplePower 3
Aug. 23 – Oct. 7, 2021 | Register

R Programming Training: An Introduction for Data Analysis and Graphics
Oct. 4 – Dec. 3, 2021 | Register

Anyone with questions about either training may email the instructor, Senior IT Training Specialist Jose Silva-Lugo.