Popular Practicum AI Series Now Available to Everyone

UF Information Technology (UFIT) is making its popular Practicum AI beginner series of courses available online through UF Professional and Workforce Development. The series is available to anyone interested in learning the fundamentals of artificial intelligence, including UF alumni and members of the public that want to understand and apply AI tools. Developed to introduce a broad audience to hands-on applied artificial intelligence applications, the Practicum AI series assumes no prior knowledge of coding or AI, and is a great introduction for professionals in any field where AI can be applied. The beginner series has four courses:

1. Getting Started with AI: An introduction to AI, AI models and their development, and AI ethics. 

2. Computing For AI: An introduction to the computational tools used in AI: Git and GitHub.com and Jupyter Notebooks. Participants will use these tools on either a high-performance computer system or in Google Colab. 

3. Python for AI: An introduction to Python programming and data science tools used in AI. This class focuses on the core aspects needed for applied AI. The course also introduces strategies for working with AI coding assistants to accelerate your skills. 

4. Deep Learning Foundations: An introduction to neural networks, deep learning, and how to train AI models using the skills you’ve gained in the previous three courses.

Each course earns a completion badge, and participants who complete all four courses will earn the Practicum AI Beginner Series digital certificate, issued from Credly. The courses are available to anyone at a modest cost — only $20 per class or $50 if purchasing all four at the bundle price. Practicum AI is free for UF faculty and staff (use discount code “ufstaff”) and for students (use discount code “ufstudent”).

With the beginner series of courses now live, UFIT’s Practicum AI team has begun work creating the Intermediate series. The first of these — Computer Vision — will be offered in-person in Summer 2024. Natural Language Processing and Generative AI courses are also in development. For additional information or questions, please contact UFIT’s Research Computing Training Team leader Matt Gitzendanner (magitz@ufl.edu).

Summer Training Opportunities are Plentiful with UFIT

UF Information Technology (UFIT) is offering a robust training schedule this summer. Commit to enhancing your skillset over the quieter summer months! From May 13 through August 9, 2024, faculty and staff can select from many instructor-led, self-paced, and virtual workshops. There are options for using AI tools, improving Zoom meetings, understanding how DocuSign works, and learning Microsoft collaboration tools and applications. All UFIT training is free.

On the schedule this summer are three self-paced, introductory AI trainings:

  • AI in the Workplace
  • Introduction to AI Image Generator Tools
  • Prompt Engineering: Working with AI Text Generators and AI Image Generators

A two-part Qualtrics workshop series will also be offered twice, with participants who complete the series earning a Qualtrics certificate. For those looking to use non-research survey tools for administrative needs, registration is also open for Google Forms and Microsoft Forms web training.

UFIT Training provides year-round training on numerous topics to enhance the academic and professional skills and academic needs. Plan your summer training by starting with the IT service catalog listing: https://it.ufl.edu/services/it-training. Anyone with questions about our training or would like to discuss a custom training for their department is welcome to email ufit-training@ufl.edu.

Free AI Micro-Credential Courses for Staff

Now is the time to increase your working knowledge of AI through professional development short courses offered by UF. The Provost’s Office is making the four-hour version of each course available to faculty and staff at no cost. The seven course topics, developed in collaboration with the Colleges of Business, Engineering, Liberal Art & Sciences, and Agricultural and Life Sciences, are:

1. Fundamentals of AI
2. Fundamentals of AI (STEM majors)
3. Applications of AI (Engineering)
4. Ethics of AI
5. Business and AI
6. Data Science and AI
7. Agricultural & Life Sciences and AI

The courses were developed to provide a foundation in machine learning and its impacts across a range of careers and disciplines. The micro-credential option provides a way to learn the lexicon of artificial intelligence, its current uses, and understand the near-limitless possibilities of the AI-supported environment. Upon successful completion of the assessments in the course, participants are eligible to earn a certificate of completion and 0.4 continuing education units (CEUs). To register, visit https://pwd.aa.ufl.edu/ai/courses/.

The discount code for UF faculty and staff is available by emailing Dr. Regina Rodriguez. Anyone wanting more information on the AI micro-credential, or who has questions about the registration process, may also contact Dr. Rodriguez.

Identifying Deepfake Videos

Misleading content online becomes more sophisticated with each technology advancement. One type of “fake news” becoming more prominent across all social channels is the deepfake, a video that’s been modified to make the subject appear to be doing or saying something they did not.

Deepfake videos are made to fool viewers for a variety of reasons including political agendas, financial gain, to embarrass someone or a group, or to use for blackmail. Public figures can be made to say things they never said, inciting viewers or followers to think a certain way and take action based on misinformation. A viral deepfake video supposedly of Tom Cruise has more than a million views. Here’s a breakdown by the video’s creator on how he utilized AI to construct the video: DeepTomCruise TikTok Breakdown.

It is possible to identify some deepfake videos by noticing changes in skin tone, jerky facial movements, or lip movements that do not match dialogue. But as the technology improves these clues could become even harder to spot. If you have concerns about the authenticity of a video purporting to be from UF, please contact the department posting the video or send your concern to the UFIT Help Desk.

Earn AI Micro-Credential Through UF

Enabling the workforce of tomorrow with artificial intelligence skills is one of the tenets of the University of Florida’s AI Initiative. To support organizations successfully managing the AI transformation in the workplace, UF is now offering the opportunity to earn a micro-credential in AI.

Offered through the Office of Professional and Workforce Development (OPWD), all courses in the program are online. Earning the AI micro-credential provides alumni, community members, and faculty and staff a way to develop their foundation in machine learning and its impacts across a range of careers and disciplines. Designed for working professionals, the program is an affordable way to learn the lexicon of artificial intelligence, its current uses, and understand the near-limitless possibilities of the AI-supported environment–all within UF standards of course delivery and content.

The micro-credential is earned after completing two required courses and a self-selected focus area course. The two required courses (each a 15-hour commitment) teach key concepts and foundations of artificial intelligence. Upon completion of the required courses, participants select a focus area to earn their AI micro-credential and badge, which can be displayed on LinkedIn or other online portfolio.

Anyone wanting more information on the AI micro-credential is welcome to contact the OPWD’s Director, Andrew Campbell.

Infusing AI Into the Undergraduate Experience

According to a study by Gartner, artificial intelligence (AI) job creation will reach two million net-new jobs in 2025. To prepare graduates for an AI-enabled workforce, UF has begun integrating AI across the curriculum. Every student now has the opportunity to develop a competency in AI regardless of their field of study.

Several new and existing courses include AI in their syllabi. The UF AI website provides a list of all AI-related majors, minors, and courses. Students can also complete a certificate in AI Fundamentals and Applications. The program is available for undergraduates of all majors, and requires a fundamentals course, an ethics course, and one college-specific course.

To learn about applications of AI across the university, students can attend seminars, workshops, and other events. The Center for Undergraduate Research (CUR) is hosting a virtual Artificial Intelligence in Research workshop on April 14, from 4:00 – 5:00 p.m. Denisse Ventura, one of the CUR ambassadors organizing the event, said that all current undergraduates could benefit from understanding AI:

“Not only would students be equipped with skills that can make them more competitive in the job market, but they would also bring unique perspectives that can better diversify the growing research area.”

Sharing UF’s AI Journey with the World

Enhancements to UF’s https://ai.ufl.edu/ website (AI) debuted on January 26. The site now more fully showcases UF’s commitment to integrate AI across academic, research, and outreach efforts. The Office of Strategic Communications and Marketing partnered with UFIT’s Web Services to bring about the site enhancements.

“The story we want to share digitally is one that encompasses all aspects of AI at UF,” notes Melanie Schramm, assistant vice president for strategic communications. “UF’s AI Initiative touches on every aspect of the university. Working with UFIT, this site will help us share information and discoveries with stakeholders around the world.”

The new design features a restructured homepage with content blocks dedicated to university-wide research and announcements. Two new tabs have been added: the Industry tab details UF’s investments in solidifying its role as the first “AI University,” while the News tab lists updates and events from departments and units. Students can also check out the chart on the Academics tab that lists all new and enhanced undergraduate and graduate courses that include AI components. The popular Calendar link lists the symposia, trainings, webinars, and other events focusing on AI across the enterprise. UF Human Resources also has a Jobs page dedicated solely to the AI-focused faculty and staff positions available with the university.