Available in Zoom: Translated Captions and Live Transcriptions

The Zoom translated caption and its live transcription service have been enabled for UF. Both the translated captioning and transcription features can be utilized for administrative and research meetings as well as classroom activities in Zoom.

As a global research university, UF currently has faculty, staff, and students from more than 60 countries. These Zoom features can help many in our community to review content in their native language. As of February 2023, the languages currently supported are: Chinese, Dutch, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Russian, and Ukrainian.

Information and step-by-step instructions on how to enable Zoom translated captions and/or the interpretive [live transcription] capabilities are available on these Zoom and UF links:

1. https://video.ufl.edu/conferencing/zoom/captions-and-live-transcription/
2. https://blog.zoom.us/translated-captions
3. https://support.zoom.us/hc/en-us/articles/6643177746829

Faculty and staff who need assistance with the new features or would like to acquire a license for the translated captions feature may contact the UF Computing Help Desk (352-392-HELP/4357, helpdesk@ufl.edu).

Retention Policy Announced for UF Zoom

A retention policy for UF’s Zoom service takes effect Friday, Jan. 14, 2022. Any recording older than 365 days will be removed from Zoom’s cloud storage. Users needing to preserve any cloud recording older than 365 days can download recordings to a storage destination of their choice. Users can also elect to upload Zoom recordings to UF’s Mediasite environment.

Deleted recordings remain in the Zoom trash for 30 days. To retrieve recordings that have been moved to your Zoom trash, log in to Zoom and follow the steps in the Recover a Deleted Cloud Recording document. After 30 days in the trash, a recording is no longer retrievable.

On July 15, 2022, UF’s Zoom retention policy will be reduced to its final state of 180 days.

Please visit the UF Zoom cloud recording FAQ page for additional information. Faculty and staff with questions or who need assistance should reach out to their local IT support. Zoom users may also contact the UFIT Help Desk.

Research Computing Support Available Remotely

Research computing consulting support is now available through remote channels. Based on the precautions taken by the university regarding the COVID-19 virus, facilitators who normally hold walk-in hours on campus are available via Zoom. The online support options for UF’s research community include:

  • Visiting the Research Computing website for information on services and the current status of HiPerGator.
  • Posting questions in the Slack #support channel. Research Computing staff monitor the channel and reply as quickly as possible. Use this link to join.
  • Attending a Zoom meeting during the listed walk-in hours. Please allow at least 5-10 minutes for your request to be acknowledged. If a facilitator is in another meeting, your Zoom call will be placed in a waiting room and answered as quickly as possible. Personal Zoom links are available here.

Researchers are welcome to contact Erik Deumens, director of Research Computing, about their consulting support needs.