Research Computing Support Available Remotely

Research computing consulting support is now available through remote channels. Based on the precautions taken by the university regarding the COVID-19 virus, facilitators who normally hold walk-in hours on campus are available via Zoom. The online support options for UF’s research community include:

  • Visiting the Research Computing website for information on services and the current status of HiPerGator.
  • Posting questions in the Slack #support channel. Research Computing staff monitor the channel and reply as quickly as possible. Use this link to join.
  • Attending a Zoom meeting during the listed walk-in hours. Please allow at least 5-10 minutes for your request to be acknowledged. If a facilitator is in another meeting, your Zoom call will be placed in a waiting room and answered as quickly as possible. Personal Zoom links are available here.

Researchers are welcome to contact Erik Deumens, director of Research Computing, about their consulting support needs.