Protecting UF: Mandatory Information Security Training

In 2019, audits were conducted of the state’s 12 public universities. The report recommended that the University of Florida enhance its existing information security awareness program with mandatory annual faculty and staff training. This summer, UFIT developed a new training program to meet the Florida Board of Governors recommendation.

“Protecting UF: Information Security Training” consists of four modules: phishing awareness, restricted data, cloud and sharing tools, and general safeguards. Training takes approximately 30-40 minutes to complete and is mandatory for faculty and staff. Emails will deploy from the myTraining portal in the next few days notifying the UF community that training is available. Training must be completed by the close of the fall 2020 semester, with the annual reminder date for re-certification based upon the initial completion date. As part of the Protecting UF program, in January all enrolled students will see a “to do” reminder in ONE.UF to take the phishing awareness training.

This effort is part of a larger program to inform the UF community on how to protect teaching, learning, research, and online activities. Please visit the Information Security Office website for additional information on this training and other security topics.