Summer Tech Byte: Generative AI Prompts

PHOTO: Two members of UFIT instructional design and technology staff posing for a fun online course about generative AI courses. University of Florida.

UFIT is continuing its online Tech Byte cooking shows this summer! Instructional designer Leslie Mojeiko and educational technologist Chris Sharp are back in the test kitchen. Or shall we say…tech kitchen!

Wednesday, July 26

Join UFIT’s Center for Instructional Technology & Training (CITT) for a fun, free event to learn generative AI “recipes” to enhance course design and teaching. Leslie and Chris will share tips for writing effective prompts for ChatGPT and AI image generators, and suggest ways how generative AI can help make class prep and assignment design more efficient. This one-hour cooking show includes demonstrations of AI in action. Register today and prepare to gather recipes for course preparation. You’ll leave this Tech Byte with your very own ‘cookbook’ to get started with “prompt engineering!”

Visit The AI Prompt Cookbook — Generative AI Recipes Designed to Enhance Teaching webpage for more information.