Developing Courses for Fall 2023

GRAPHIC: Mortar board with pencil and slide rule design. University of Florida.

Instructors: it’s that time of semester! Faculty who would like to work with UFIT’s Center for Instructional Technology & Training (CITT) to develop or revise a course for Fall 2023 should contact the CITT by Friday, April 28. The instructional design staff would love to work with you to develop or revise a traditional, flipped, hybrid, or online course, or a flipped advising site.

If you are teaching this fall but cannot commit to a full course development, you can work with an instructional designer to develop or revise some aspects of your course. The CITT will help you to create a custom plan for just the items you want to focus on. Customization will enable you to work with an instructional designer for a week or two, or a few months–whatever time you have to commit, our staff can commit to you! Let the CITT experts help you develop assessments, course content, videos, or any combination of services offered.

To start working with the CITT, just complete the assistance form and a staff member will follow up ASAP to schedule an appointment.