Classroom Technology Tech Byte – Dec. 8

PHOTO: Undergraduate student in class. University of Florida.

Join UFIT to explore classroom technologies that can enhance your teaching. Faculty and TA’s with course teaching loads are welcome to stop by the Classroom Technology Tech Byte:

December 8 │ 11:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
CSE E231

Several instructional stations showcasing classroom technologies and teaching tools will be set up for quick assistance. Each station will focus on a classroom technology component, instructional design support tool, active learning strategy, and other teaching and learning services provided by UFIT’s Center for Instructional Technology and Training (CITT).

The December 8 event date was selected because it is a reading day with no classes scheduled. This Classroom Technology Tech Byte is open to the UF community. Anyone with questions about the services or events sponsored by the CITT is welcome to send a message to