Campus Physical Security Enhanced by UFIT

In addition to the security of UF systems and data, UFIT also works with campus physical security leaders to help keep campus safe for students, employees, and visitors.

UFIT’s Data Center Operations and Logistics Manager John Toner was recently recognized by the UF Police Department (UFPD) for his efforts to improve the security of the university’s East Campus. The project, led by UFPD, included determining where additional lights were needed, fixing gates, and removing debris. With his extensive knowledge of East Campus activities, John’s expertise expedited the project.

Another recent security enhancement utilizing UFIT expertise are the additional phones installed along fraternity row. This project, requested by UF Student Government, was undertaken with the Division of Business Affairs. Led by UFIT Project Manager Rob Snively, the work consisted of upgrading the telecomm system, including mass notification speakers that broadcast emergency messages, and installation of security camera mounts. More information about this project is available on the Business Affairs news website.