Optimizing Performance on the NVIDIA Platform

PHOTO: HiPerGator AI image with UF Momentum graphics overlay. University of Florida

UFIT is offering a 90-minute tutorial, “Performance Analysis and Optimization on the NVIDIA Platform,” on April 14. The tutorial is free and open to faculty, students, and staff.

Tutorial: Performance Analysis and Optimization on the NVIDIA Platform
Date: Thursday, April 14, 2022
Time: 12:00 PM – 1:30 PM
Pre-registration is required

The tutorial will be lead by an NVIDIA scientist who will present an introduction to performance analysis on accelerated CPU-GPU servers. Attendees will learn how to use NVIDIA Nsight Visual Studio profiling tools to understand the behavior of AI and high-performance applications to determine what optimization steps are appropriate for improving the overall time-to-solution.

Registrants will be sent the secure Zoom link the day before the tutorial. Anyone with questions about this event may contact UFIT’s AI Team Lead and Senior Application Developer Ying Zhang.